
My research is concerned with the general proces of human understanding of images of landscapes. My early training was in the application of statistical classification methods to forested landscapes. In my master's research I became facinated with how humans conceptualize and formalized conceptualizations of forest types. This eventually led to a dissertation about the early development of remote sensing techniques and the field, with an emphasis on air photo interpretation. Over the years I have explored interpretation in various contexts including landscape photography and painting, aerial photography, and am currently working on humam-AI collaboration as it related to image understanding and creativity.

As a faculty member, I am a specialized faculty focusing on teaching. Thus, there is little time for me to do research, however, I would love to collaborate on these topics further, especially with artists, historians, or STS scholars. In addition to research, I am open to collaboration in artistic expression such as zines, photography, and other phyisical mediums.

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