Courses Currently Taught & Designed
GGIS - University of Illinois, GEO - Michigan State University, GEOG - Pennsylvania State Univesrity
- GGIS 403 Geographic Information Science and Systems (4 cr.) Introduces the fundamentals of Python programming for geographic analysis and a survey of GIS concepts to prepare non-geographers for further GIS studies. Suitable for students with no prior experience in programming or GIS. Currently Being Redesigned 2025
- GGIS 473 Digital Cartography & Map Design (4 cr.) Introduces cartographic design principles from a human-centered perspective. Students explore art, map history, and visual communication across a variety of genre. Final project is a major map project for public display.2024 Syllabus
- GGIS 517 Geospatial Visualization & Visual Analytics(4 cr.) Alternative methods to GIS for geospatial data visualization and interaction. Introduces software Tableau or D3.js depending on instructor preference. Does not require previous design experience. 2025 Syllabus
- GGIS 527 Geospatial Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (4 cr.) Advanced methods in the application of machine learning and convolutional neural nets to geospatial data. Previous experience in machine learning required. 2024 Syllabus
- GGIS 570 Advanced Spatial Analysis (4 cr.) Advanced statisitcal methods of geospatial data including spatial regression, geographically weighted regression, geographically weighted random forests, and other similar methods. Previous statistical courses is recommended. 2025 Syllabus
- GGIS 489 (Coming Spring 2026) Geospatial Applications of Machine Learning and AI (4 cr.) An introductory course to machine learning methods. Survey of methods from regression to convolutional neural nets. Serves as a pre-requisite for GGIS 527 if student has no previous statistics background.N/A Syllabus
Courses Taught & Designed Previously
- GEO 326 Cartographic Design and Production An introduction to cartographic methods with a focus on design in ArcGIS Pro.
- GEO 426 Thematic Cartography Advanced course in cartography focusing on current research areas including human cognition and perception. Advanced design methods using Adobe suite of products.
- GEO 806 Geospatial Object Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA)Advanced remote sensing course covering object-orineted analysis methods in eCogition
- GEO 986 Theories and Philosophies in Geography Historical development of the discipline within social and intellectual contexts. Philosophical approaches behind geographic research and theory
- GEOG 160 Mapping Your Changing World Introduction to general geospatial technologies and maps. Course was open to non-majors and majors fulfilling general education requirements. Course updae completed in collaboration with Joshua Stevens, Jennifer Mason, Donna Pequet, and Alan MacEachren in 2012